Where to view the groups?

Once you want to see the groups that you’ve already createdplease go to the "Team" section

There you can switch between the "Users", "Groupsand "Workspacetabs.
Clicking on "Groups", you will see the list of those that you’ve already createdas well as the information about these groupsthat includes their namesemailstypesand members. 


How to view and edit group details? 

To view and modify information about a groupselect the desired one from the Group List and click on it or the "Editbutton within the row. 

This will open the Information boxwhich displays the group's typebusiness emailaliasesmembersand their roles. 

To make changessimply click on the information you want to modify and edit itYou can also remove members by clicking on the "Remove" button next to their role, or add new people by pressing the "Add member".  

Once you've made the necessary modifications, be sure to click "Save" to save your changes. 

That's it! You've successfully viewed and modified group information. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to assist you! 

Contact usif you have any questionsand our support manager will give you a hand.